ESOL Urban High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Instructional Strengths and Challenges: A Qualitative Case Study


  • Luis Javier Pentón Herrera Concordia University Chicago, Doctoral Candidate



ESL teachers, ESL instruction, Urban public schools, Self-efficacy


The current interest in student performance and evaluation often neglects the impact instruction has in the academic achievement of English Learners. Similarly, recent literature focuses on educators’ specific set of qualities and abilities without considering the implications of self-perception and professional development as instrumental parts of teacher effectiveness. The purpose of this article is to understand the pedagogical experiences of ESL teachers in an urban high school. Through interviews and observations, this article provides an overview of the instructional realities ESL educators face in today’s classrooms. Furthermore, findings reveal the relationship between self-perception and instructional performance in the ESL classroom. 

Author Biography

Luis Javier Pentón Herrera, Concordia University Chicago, Doctoral Candidate

Luis Javier Pentón Herrera is a Doctoral Candidate at Concordia University Chicago in the Ph.D. in Leadership: Reading, Language, and Literacy program. He is currently a high school English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and he is also an adjunct professor in TESOL, Spanish, Writing, and Education at different colleges and universities. His research focuses on Bilingual Education, Spanish, ESL/ESOL, Adult Education, Literacy Studies and Hispanic Pedagogues. 


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How to Cite

Pentón Herrera, L. J. (2018). ESOL Urban High School Teachers’ Perceptions of Their Instructional Strengths and Challenges: A Qualitative Case Study. Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Journal of English Language Teaching and Research, 2(1).


