Translanguaged Paideia Seminars: Empowering Emergent Bilingual Learners' Voices


  • Joy Hamm UNC-Greensboro



translanguaging, K-12 education, Dialogic classroom, Emergent bilingual learners, ESOL, ESL, Paideia seminar, Translanguaging


This article aims to complement the growing body of research on additive approaches to English language learning and championing multilingualism. This teacher-research study observes the results of a combination of two dialogic instructional practices; Paideia Seminars and translanguaging. The qualitative study took place in an ESOL classroom and describes the process in which fourteen 6th and 8th grade emergent bilingual learners (EBLs) navigate verbal discourse by applying their full linguistic repertoire throughout four student-led, translanguaged Paideia Seminars. The data collection and analysis point to increased student engagement and dialogic social capital. The article concludes by encouraging teachers to empower their EBLs through using equitable practices such as translanguaged Paideia Seminars.

Author Biography

Joy Hamm, UNC-Greensboro

I am a M.ed TESOL graduate student at UNC-Greensboro and also teach TEOSL full-time in the Winston Salem Forsyth County school district.


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How to Cite

Hamm, J. (2018). Translanguaged Paideia Seminars: Empowering Emergent Bilingual Learners’ Voices. Dialogues: An Interdisciplinary Journal of English Language Teaching and Research, 2(1).


